Monday, January 5, 2009

Good-Name hunting!!!

            The sweetest sound to ones ears is ones name. I believe in putting some effort in naming, whether a person, animal, thing or a blog. I promise its got nothing to do with the 'marketing' paper I took in which i flimflammed the examiner into believing that i was a Kotler family descendant

         My hunt to name my blog shook the 'resolute' in me for couple of days, yes that's not a typo i meant days. I dabbled with words like me, myself, confused, thoughts, dreams, born, life (definitely not in that order) with multitude of nouns , pronouns and prepositions and in the end came to the stage of naming my blog "i-give-up" and guess what, even that was taken!

             Rummaging around ‘blogger’ I hit upon a lot of interesting blog titles which had no posts under them. What sort of a sadistic pleasure are these people getting by registering a blog with 'hard-to-find' names and then not even using them?  

            I was concluding that if I couldn't come up with a name i sure shot couldn't write any posts. And then came the 12 o'clock revelation, 12:03 am to be precise when i was philosophizing with a friend about "in the end everything turns out OK, its only the interim period called 'life'" And voila!! my blog 'In between Birth and Death".....



  1. Hmm..Good tilte indeed. - I came across a line which I thought was a good example of how to weave words into a hidden meaning -- "Its only when its dark enough that you see the stars"
    Good stuff...
    Best of luck for the blog, look forward to read some kickass work.
    till then lets enjoy the time in between birth and death.

  2. You should have tried some 'good-name hunting' on Wordpress too. Wordpress is another eminent blogging platform (some would say better than Blogger.

  3. @vikas...yes someone else did suggest the same...but by then i found what i wanted
